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Lifestyle + Wedding photographer!

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Rainy Days

Well it was another rainy day... surprise surprise! Rainy days in our house mean 'creative' days. I am always trying to come up with ideas to entertain Grayer so we don't have continuous meltdowns. Grayer being a typical 21 month old has a short attention span so we went from play dough, colouring, reading, trains and to my favorite crafts. You never know what you are going to find if you just take a look around the house. If you have glue and paper.. you have a very satisfied toddler!

When it came to bedtime Grayer brought an apple to bed with him. I allowed it since it was a healthy choice. As I was reading him his stories he took a couple of bites of his apple and tucked it into his covers.. and got very upset when I tried to take it away. I have noticed he has started doing those weird things that kids do that do not seem to make sense.. but to them they do :) After he was happily cuddled up with his puppy and his eyes were closed I carefully tip toed out of the room to get some work done! Oh and yes I took the apple...

Before settling myself down to do work I needed something warm and cozy..

Well I was able to get some work done..still slowly working on ALL the pictures from Nova Scotia. I also did some brainstorming for a maternity session of my dear friend Sarah tomorrow. I have been waiting to do this for awhile so I am very excited! Stay tuned for a sneak peak..

It is late and I am going to cuddle with my sheets and listen to the rain..
