When you have a child you are warned about so many things, tend to over-think all the dangers and fears that could happen in the first couple of months. Watch every move when they start squirming all over the place in fear of a face plant or eating something off the floor. When they start walking, you want them to be brave and take a fall without too many tears. I was told to take the time and enjoy every moment because it goes by too fast, yeah OK it does but thats part of life. Yeah, its not as easy as I thought..
I don't remember the first birthday being this hard, but he was still a baby. He is a little man now, who picks out his own clothes and tells me what he wants to eat, watch or do.
Last night I blew up a few balloons and stuck them to his bedroom door, he loves "bawoons". As the clock hit midnight I snuck in and gave him a kiss and whispered happy birthday to him. This morning he was very happy to see all the bawoons and wanted me to blow up more.
I went the whole day without feeling overly emotional, until I started editing pictures and I shed one tear. Grayer noticed right away, came over to me and wiped it away and gave me a hug. He is the best.
We had a little birthday celebration today, cupcakes, presents, and a good few hours at the playground. We even had a nap together. Todays weather was probably exactly like the weather we had on the day he was born, I remember because I didn't want to be stuck inside.
I never knew I could be so in love with someone..

(My mom and Grayer)

And of course we wrapped our evening up with more play doh playing, puzzles and the usual bath. I let him splash a little extra and stay in a little longer tonight ..
(note: I think he looks like the Caldwell's here, this is rare lol )
He may be getting older but I refuse to give up the baby smelling shampoo!
I had an amazing day. I love my family of three, and couldn't ask for anything else.
Happy Birthday Grayer, we love you so very much. You are the most beautiful, amazing, lovable person I have ever met.
Stay tuned for more pictures after his 'big' party on Sunday!
these pictures are beautiful!! so is your family!!
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