My holiday was filled with love and laughter with my family. This year was defiently more exciting with Grayer being 20 months. Christmas morning was spent unwrapping presents and drinking 'special' coffees. The best gift of all this year was to have everyone together in the same room Christmas Eve/morning!
The rest of the week will be spent getting organized and packing since we are leaving for Nova Scotia for 2 weeks to visit family. I am SO very excited to not only see everyone and introduce Grayer to them but to get TONS of pictures!
Picking my last 5 favorites was tricky.. there not necessarily the best pictures I have taken but stand out to me for different reasons, which I will explain :)
I captured this one of Mya during there family session, I LOVE her expression and those long eyelashes!
Maybe I am a little bias but this is a favorite of my son. It was the end of the summer and we were out for an adventure so I did a mini shoot of him playing in the rocks :)
If I remember correctly I believe this was the grooms idea. I had SO much fun shooting Kris & Cindy's wedding! They had a few old cars and unique places picked out, I love how this one turned out.
I met Alexis and her family for a session as a Christmas present to their grandparents. She was VERY photogenic! I love her outfit and the color contrast in this one.
Armita's maternity shoot was awesome! They all turned out really good. We did an inside and outside session. I love this one, the glowing belly with the leaves blurred in the background.
Well that was HARD! I have sooo many favorites of 2010, and am so thankful for having the priviledge to capture SO many special moments in peoples lives~!
Cheers for now :)
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